Saturday, 18 July 2009


B-VER has built up strong and reliable relationships with other subcontracting
companies during the course of B-VER's progress in the construction industry.
When and wherever necessary, B-VER is capable of providing sufficient manpower,
equipment, material and other provision for eac
h project with its own source
of resources and/or with other companies that have a good relationship's with

With this arrangement at B-VER's convenien
ce, it would prove beneficial
to the client as it would mean a reduction of contractors on site together with
more efficient interface between contractors at the work site, resulting in
lighter workloads and optimum time frame for the construction period.

With professionalism and effective management as part of B-VER's policy
in approaching its duties, B-VER would be a strong competitor and a potential
major player in the construction sector of Malaysia's expanding local and oil
& gas industries.


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