Monday, 11 April 2011

B-Ver Releaser Agent


B-VER RELEASER AGENT is a ready to use, dry shake releaser available in variety of colours. It is used to

release moulds for decorative imprinting from sticking to the concrete surface. B-VER Releaser Agent also

acts as curing compound and colouring agent to give a desired two tone effect.

Physical Description / Properties

  • Appearance Odorless coloured po

  • Boiling point / melting point Approximate 150 Degrees Celsius

  • Vapor Pressure N/A

  • Specific Gravity N/A

  • Flash Point > 250 Degrees Celsius

  • Flammability N/A

  • Solubility in Water Insoluble


B-VER RELEASER AGENT is packed in 14kg/bag. Stir well before use.

Shelf Life

Under normal conditions and kept dry, the shelf life of the releaser is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Rate of Application

0.1 – 0.13kg/m2


As soon as the application of B-VER Colour Hardener is complete and ready to print, linal trowel the surface of

the colour hardener and dry shake the B-VER Releaser Agent and applied the required tools to form the pattern surface.

Wash and Seal

One or two days after imprint, wash excess releaser off job with water or sweep dry. After 5-7 daysthe surface

should be cleaned with a high pressure cleaner. Rough surfaces shall be grind-down and touch-up if any. After

washing and the surface is completely dry, apply 2 coats Sealer BV 64. Allow the first coat to dry before

application of second coat.


The finished floor shall be protected. Any heavy traffic shall be avoided for 28 days.(The main contractor

shall take necessary steps to protect the finished floor from damage by other trades)


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